
Tranquility Pro 2 Adjustable Bruxism Night Mouthpiece Sleep Mouthguard Mouth Guard Aid

Original price was: $70.99.Current price is: $53.99.

Tranquility Pro 2 Adjustable Bruxism Night Mouthpiece Sleep Mouthguard Mouth Guard Aid

10 in stock

SKU: DPB07BTL8QZ6 Category:


Tranquility Pro 2 Adjustable Bruxism Night Mouthpiece Sleep Mouthguard Mouth Guard Aid

  • BRUXISM SUPPORT // Prevents teeth grinding at night 7. Mouth guard should feel custom snug into your mouth.
  • PRECISION // Automold to your bite, just boil in water and then bite down on the moutpiece to form a comfortable mouthpiece customized to your bite a. Heat water and place hot water in a container large enough to be able to submerge mouth piece;1b. Have another container with reg. temp tap water;
  • CLEAR MEASUREMENT // Reading to easily calibrate the mouthpiece to your desired setting 5. If mold feels snug, secure, and tight, then take out of mouth and place in other container of water.6. Take out of other container and place in your mouth to test.
  • LOCK TECH // Precision lock technology, locks the mouthpiece in place at your desired setting, this can be changed at any time 2. Make sure soft plastic is secure into hard plastic (check all nipples are secure). Only submerge for 60 – 90 seconds. 3. Shake off any excess hot water, and place in your mouth;
  • NEW DESIGN // Makes the mouth guard the most effective mouthpiece on the market 4a. Bite down hard and suck out all the air. Also, press firmly on your lips so that the soft gel portion molds even better.4b. When biting down, remember not to bite too hard where your teeth bite through the soft gel and are now touching the hard plastic

~ATTENTION TO ALL CUSTOMERS // NOT SUITABLE FOR SMALL MOUTHS~ BUYERS BEWARE OF CHEAP KNOCK OFFS FROM ‘M+M Sales’ HOT OFF THE 2018 DESIGN BLOCK: Our Tranquility PRO 2.0 Professional Bruxism Night Guard is the most advanced and effective product on the market. With a smaller overall size than the competing brand. Tranquility PRO 2.0 Professional Bruxism Night Guard works well because it re-positions the mouth which in turn opens the airway that gets restricted by the soft pallet when sleeping. OUR SOLUTION TO YOU: The problem with mouthpieces on the market today is that they have only one setting to re-position your mouth and they are one solid piece that can usually mold to your mouth, but they can not adjust for your personal requirements. HERE IS THE DIFFERENCE: The Tranquility Professional Bruxism Night Guard has 10 incremental, 1 millimeter, possible adjustments. Some people will need to increase incremental adjustments over time, which just isn’t possible with any other mouthpiece on the market. OUR PROMISE TO YOU: The Tranquility Professional Bruxism Night Guard has great functionality with the critical added feature of being able to adjust the mouthpiece according to your personal requirement